The Transient Sky Observed from Mexico


  • Rosa Leticia Becerra Godínez Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM


The Observatorio Nacional de San Pedro M\'artir (OAN-SPM) is located in Ensenada, M\'exico. Nowadays, it has three robotic telescopes dedicated to the study of transient events such as gamma-ray flashes and gravitational waves: COATLI, RATIR and DDOTI. This article will provide a general image of the astronomical site and a brief summary of the characteristics of each of them, as well as the achievements of the team over the years and future prospects.



Cómo citar

Becerra Godínez, R. L. (2021). The Transient Sky Observed from Mexico. Espacio Y Tempo De Los Medios, 4(1), 6. Recuperado a partir de