THE Impact of the non-implementation of quilombola school education and its relation to the losses of traditional practices and knowledge


  • Thayná dos Santos Almeida
  • Ozeias de Almeida Santos


Quilombola Education, High School, Traditional Knowledge and Practices


This article aims to bring discussions about the impact of non-implementation of Quilombola School Education and its relation with the losses of traditional knowledge and practices, in interface with the sociocultural reality of the municipality of Antônio Cardoso-BA. In this way, a brief approach was presented to the historical formation of Antônio Cardoso and his respective quilombola communities, bringing to the discussion the definition of quilombo, in order to understand the process of social and political construction of Quilombola Education and its space of struggle and experience. Thus Law 10.639 / 2003, the Statute of Racial Equality, and Educational Policies concerning Quilombola Education were presented. The reality of Antônio Carlos Magalhães State College, located in the municipality of Antônio Cardoso-BA, was also presented. Finally, we present the traditional knowledge and practices of quilombola communities. Thus, the study presented here is the result of analyzes and observations made in previous field research carried out in the communities and at the school, as students of the school unit and residents of one of the quilombola communities. The bibliographic survey was conducted through interviews and conversations with the research subjects, in this case, the students. Therefore, through the collection and analysis of the data, the real need for a dialogue on the importance of the implementation of a curriculum focused on Quilombola Education that could contribute to the school as the space of students' so that they value their identities


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How to Cite

Almeida, T. dos S., & Santos, O. de A. (2018). THE Impact of the non-implementation of quilombola school education and its relation to the losses of traditional practices and knowledge. Espaço E Tempo Midiáticos, 3(1), 11. Retrieved from