A nova práxis do telejornalismo na cobertura da pandemia da Covid-19
Práxis profissionais; Saúde do jornalista; Pandemia; Crise sanitária; Cobertura jornalística.Abstract
This article aims to investigate the health and the work of the journalists who covered the Covid-19 pandemic, in the first semester of 2020, in the metropolitan area of Cariri, south of Ceará. We start from a proposal of a quanti-qualitative, exploratory and documental methodology of the new journalistic praxis based on prevention protocols for the new coronavirus. We sought to observe how communication agencies have been dealing with those protocols, especially when it refers to the collaborators’ health, as well as to the impacts of the health crisis in the journalistic doing related to information gathering procedures and articles production. The research concluded that, out of the 23 people who responded to the online questionnaire, the majority remains working in the physical place and just a small part of it works from home.
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