About the Journal

Focus and Scope:

The magazine "Espaço e tempo midiaiáticos" is a semiannual multidisciplinary publication by the Research Groups "Media and Threatened Territorialities" of the Journalism Course at the Federal University of Tocantins and the Research Group "Sistemas técnicos e espaço" of the Graduate Program in Geography at the University State of Ceará (UECE). It is intended for the dissemination of articles, empirical, historical, theoretical and conceptual studies, critical literature reviews, book reviews and interviews.

The journal's main objectives are: to publish original articles that present relevant results of research carried out by professors and researchers, graduate students; and undergraduate degree provided that it co-authored with the supervisor, masters or doctors. Two annual editions will be published, dedicated to different areas of knowledge and / or that bring the community in synergy with the media processes as a focus. The priority areas of knowledge are "Journalism and Communication in various media", "Geography and Culture", "Sustainability", "Tourism and Management", "Internationalization and Development", "Feminist and Gender Studies".


Peer Review Process:

All works submitted to "Espaço e tempo midiáticos" will be evaluated by at least two referees, who will use as evaluation criteria: adequacy to the journal's norms; writing and organization of the text; theoretical foundation and bibliography; development and methodology; contribution of research to the scientific area.



The magazine "Espaço e tempo midiaiáticos" is a biannual publication of the Research Group "Mídias e territorialidades ameaçadas" at UFT and the Research Group "Sistema Técnicos e Espaço" at UECE.


Open Access Policy:

This magazine offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.



This magazine uses the LOCKSS system to create a file system distributed among the participating libraries and allows them to create permanent magazine files for preservation and restoration.


ISSN - 2526-5725