Quality in the attention, quality in the employment?





The present article analyses the juxtaposition of elements that incident in the configuration of the labour intensity in the services of health deprived, specifically in the occupations of care. For this will serve us of the surveys and observations made to the personnel of infirmary and cleaning of two establishments of private character situated in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the last times, diverse studies coincide in signalling that the phenomenon of the labour intensification expresses the research for elevating the productivity of the companies without increasing the endowment of hard-working employees.  From the acceleration of the rhythms and the diversification of the pressures, the change in the times of work, the reduction of the moments of rest and the on load of tasks. From the approach of the psychosocial risks in the work will look for to track the peculiarities of said phenomenon in the services of health, where the demands are so much of internal type like external. Besides, the skilled literature signals that the occupations of care have been historically little valued, little recognised and made in conditions of work extremely precarious


Author Biography

Sofía Malleville, Universidade Nacional de La Plata

Licenciada e Professora em Sociologia. Doutoranda por lá Comissão de Investigações Científicas de lá Província de Buenos Aires (CIC-PBA). Laboratório de Estúdios em Sociologia y Economia dele Trabalho, Instituto de Investigações em Humanidades y Ciências Socialites (IdIHCS), Facultada de Humanidades y Ciências de lá Educação, Universidade Nacional de La Plata.




How to Cite

Malleville, S. (2019). Quality in the attention, quality in the employment?. Trabalho (En)Cena, 4(Especial), 89–109. https://doi.org/10.20873/2526-1487V4NEspecialP89