v. 1 n. 46 (2020): Practices of coloniality/decoloniality for language learning and acquisition in the Amazon

					Visualizar v. 1 n. 46 (2020): Practices of coloniality/decoloniality for language learning and acquisition in the Amazon

This book presents a study on the acquisition and learning of the Portuguese Language and the Waiwai Indigenous Language, spoken by the Waiwai (Karib) peoples of Aldeia Mapuera, of the Nhamundá-Mapura Indigenous Territory, in the Brazilian Amazon. The main objective is to analyze, based on critical Post-colonial and Decolonial theories, the meanings assumed by the acquisition and learning of the Portuguese language and how these indigenous peoples deal with this particularity of being constituted between two languages, which assume different powers in the their cultural background. The presented problem calls into question the knowledge that comes from cultural experiences and is incorporated as skills that help to demarcate identities in the school environment and in the context of the acquisition of Portuguese. The subjects shown here are not separated from the reality that permeates them. They are people who speak from a certain body and place, have histories, political and ethical motivations, as well as interests to speak in a certain way and not in another.

Publicado: 2020-12-24