
  • Felype Rayan da Silva Sousa Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Paulo Victor Silva Avelino de Castro
  • Lucas Carvalho Quintanilha Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Adão Lincon Bezerra Montel Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Raydel Lorenzo Reinaldo Universidade Federal do Tocantins



Reinforced concrete structures are subject to numerous pathological manifestations, and corrosion is initiated by the diffusion of chloride ions, one of the most aggressive and costly. For this reason, several studies have been conducted to determine the service life of these structures, but there is still no full consensus. In this sense, this work aims to establish a test pattern to determine the service life of reinforced concrete structures due to the action of chloride ions, in addition to analyzing the diffusion coefficient variation using different water/cement ratios. To achieve these objectives, national and international standards were adopted to guide the characterization stages of the materials, as well as the use of equations of modeling of chloride penetration profiles to determine the diffusion coefficient and, consequently, the service life of the structure. Finally, it was possible to conclude that when the water/cement ratio was reduced, there was a decrease in the concentration of chlorides in a given layer, thus providing a longer service life for the reinforced concrete. As for the probabilistic analysis, it was possible to note that the lower the water and cement ratio the higher the reliability index, since the probability of failure also decreases.

Keywords: Corrosion, Chloride Diffusion, Service Life.


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How to Cite

Sousa, F. R. da S., Castro, P. V. S. A. de, Quintanilha, L. C., Montel, A. L. B., & Reinaldo, R. L. (2018). STUDY OF THE SERVICE LIFE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES EXPOSED TO CHLORIDE IONS USING DIFFUSION MODEL. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 5(Especial), 161–168.