The mooring of the sertão in the city of ananás-to:

the belonging of the place in the perspective of the future for survival


  • Gleison Mourão da Silva Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Alberto Pereira Lopes ²Prof; Orientador do Curso de Licenciatura em Geografia/UFT, Campus de Araguaína



The creation of rural settlements in Brazil are often the result of intense demonstrations organized by rural workers who struggle for agrarian reform and for the Brazilian constitution to be respected by those lands that are not fulfilling their social function to be expropriated. Thus, the objective of this work is to show in a contextualized way the rural workers' struggle and their new perspectives of life, in conjunction with the Pastoral Land Commission - CPT in relation to the creation of the Luar do Sertão settlement in the municipality of Ananás. The Luar do Sertão Settlement had an even greater social purpose in relation to agrarian reform, which was to settle workers and their families rescued victims of debt slavery in the region of the parrot's beak by assigning them a place where they could work and settle to ensure the family's livelihood.

Keywords: Settlements; Job; Future


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How to Cite

da Silva, G. M., & Lopes, A. P. (2018). The mooring of the sertão in the city of ananás-to:: the belonging of the place in the perspective of the future for survival. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 5(Especial), 189–195.