PAIF Questionnaire (Program of Integral Attention to the Family)

a social vulnerability analysis tool


  • Ana Carolina Peixoto Nascimento Centro Universitário Luterano de Palmas
  • Fabiana Fleury Curado





The present work proposes to explore the Program of Integral Attention to the Family (PAIF), and its vulnerability factors as requirements for enrollment in the Program, in the light of the intervention carried out during the internship period in Psychology emphasis. This paper aimed to verify if the profile of these families registered fit the vulnerability assumptions of the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS) policy. It was also possible, through the above mentioned intervention, to create a work process management tool, proposing to help the professionals in the service to apprehend the aspects of vulnerability of the families, to give the necessary referrals and to propose the necessary strategies for the autonomy and protagonism of the Individuals. After analyzing the vulnerability factors, it can be seen that only half of the families enrolled at the time of the intervention had a profile for follow-up by the Program, and yet, the follow-up was not being carried out.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, A. C. P., & Curado, F. F. (2017). PAIF Questionnaire (Program of Integral Attention to the Family): a social vulnerability analysis tool. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 4(3), 16–24.




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