Comparison between land use and transport integrated models applying content analysis tools


  • Lilian dos Santos Fontes Pereira UFT
  • Pastor Willy Gonzales Taco



modelos de uso do solo e transportes


The choice of a model to be adopted in the process of urban planning and transport requires extensive analyzes of model characteristics and suitability to the problem being treated. This paper presents a comparison of twenty-two integrated models of land use and transport by using content analysis methods to simplify this process and assist the planner to define the model to be adopted. The results showed that the evaluated methods have the potential to list the key information and establish important connections, simplifying the analysis of large volumes of information. In addition, the comparison has identified classes of similarities between the models and diagnose limitations, seeing new research opportunities in the area, such as applications in regional studies.


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How to Cite

Pereira, L. dos S. F., & Taco, P. W. G. (2017). Comparison between land use and transport integrated models applying content analysis tools. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 4(2), 12–27.


