The profile of a user of a healt basic unity integrated with a private college


  • Maria Romana Friedlander Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina, Faculdade Guaraí (FAG) Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Carla Regina Rocha Guimarães Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina. Faculdade Guaraí (FAG)
  • Eliane Fabichacki Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina. Faculdade Guaraí (FAG)



Basic Health Care, Service Learning Integration, User Profile


In a town of Tocantins, it was implanted an integrated unity of education and health assistance, product of a partnership between the town and a private college – the Health Space. The study proposes to characterize the users’profile concerning the sociodemographic and health variables found in the chart of the users of the Health Space from June 2012 to May 2014. It is a retrospective and descriptive study with a quantitative approach. It was concluded that the clientele was composed of 946 individuals, mainly: female, from 18 to 60 years old, with few years of school attendance and living in the urban area. In what concerns the 2,009 medical appointments, the absolute majority just showed up to one or two medical appointments.  The main reasons given to the necessity of an appointment were the childcare segment and routine appointments, as well as requests for prescriptions, sick leaves and complementary exams, and to know the results of the exams. Among the symptoms, pain and fever were the most referred ones. About the medical diagnosis, it was noticed that virus diseases and hypertension were the most common ones. These pieces of information can base innovations in the attending system, learning program and in the implantation of multidisciplinary programs.

Author Biographies

Maria Romana Friedlander, Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina, Faculdade Guaraí (FAG) Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Enfermeira, Doutora pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Coordenadora de Pesquisa da FAG. Professora Titular da FAG.

Professora Adjunta da UFT

Carla Regina Rocha Guimarães, Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina. Faculdade Guaraí (FAG)

Zootecnista. Especialista em Docência do Ensino Superior. Mestre em Ciência Animal Tropical. Professora Adjunta da Faculdade Guaraí.

Eliane Fabichacki, Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina. Faculdade Guaraí (FAG)

Biomédica. Ex-estagiária no Espaço Saúde. Professora Auxiliar da FAG


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How to Cite

Friedlander, M. R., Guimarães, C. R. R., & Fabichacki, E. (2016). The profile of a user of a healt basic unity integrated with a private college. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 3(2), 03–13.


