About the Journal
The Desafios – Interdisciplinary Journal of the Federal University of Tocantins (ISSN - 2359-3652) ed by contemporaneity to the various areas of knowledge, in their multiple theoretical and methodological perspectives, can be better systematized and faced from interdisciplinary contributions.
In this direction, the journal will accept original contributions from various disciplinary matrices, in continuous flow, in the following priority axes: Humanities and Contemporaneity; Health and Society; Education; Science, Technology and Agrarian Sciences.
Peer Review Process
Each submitted article is evaluated by two or more members of the national / international editorial board or ad hoc referees, in accordance with the double-blind evaluation policy, in which referees are omitted from identifying authors, thus ensuring a neutral and isonomic evaluation of contributions submitted.
The referees will evaluate the adequacy of the work to the journal norms and will also observe the following criteria:
- Adherence and originality of the contribution to the areas equivalent to the axes worked by Desafios
- Consistency and relevance of citations.
- Quality of results and discussion of the research presented.
- Suitability of abstracts and title to content.
- Quality of the writing and organization of the text.
Open Access Policy
This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making the scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.
Editorial flow
The editorial process of Desafio Journal follows the Public Knowledge Project's workflow: