Clinical care for Deaf people by psychoeducationalists who are not proficient in Sign Language: challenges and limits


  • Celso dos Anjos Junior UNICESUMAR



This article aims to discuss the need for psychoeducationalist to master the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), when providing clinical care for the Deaf people. The discussion is based on questioning the need of communicational effectiveness when considering the care of individuals with deafness, so a correct assessment and intervention can be made.  Initially, it is pointed out some general knowledge for understanding Libras. Then, it is focused on this article the relationship between Psychoeducationalism and Libras. Finally, some final considerations were made regarding this presented discussion, which was built through the analysis of theoretical bases such as books, magazines, and published articles. It was verified, therefore, in this study, the inseparability of the use of Libras and its effectiveness, when providing clinical psychopedagogical care for the Deaf.

Author Biography

Celso dos Anjos Junior, UNICESUMAR

Graduating in Psychopedagogy and Assistive Communication: Translation and Interpretation of Libras/Portuguese Language. He has been working with the Translation and Interpretation of Brazilian Sign Language for 5 (five years). He currently works as a volunteer at the Associação de Deaf de Uberlândia – ASUL, in the city of Uberlândia-MG, carrying out Translations of various contents and Interpretations at events. Dedicated, especially, to studies and Translation (Oral and Libras) and production of scientific articles in the field of education. Whenever possible, works to promote accessibility in religious meetings; in accessibility activities, social communication and material exhibition.



How to Cite

dos Anjos Junior, C. (2023). Clinical care for Deaf people by psychoeducationalists who are not proficient in Sign Language: challenges and limits. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 10(2).