relações de poder, estudos discursivos com Michel FoucaultAbstract
This paper aims to analyze the discursive strategies present in the educational discourse of inclusion regarding the deaf subject, problematizing, above all, the historical conditions that enabled the emergence of such statements in conjunction with the games of knowledge and power. We also intend to show how the bilingual educational discourse emerges by reconfiguring the subject position of the deaf as protagonists of their own history. I highlight the existence of different discourses on the education of the deaf, such as proposals for the organization and distribution of deaf subjects in times and spaces of schools today. Thus, this research is based on the scope of Foucaultian discursive studies, from the archeogenealogical perspective. To constitute the archive of this study, we delimited the collection of the corpus through enunciative excerpts produced in video at a Public Hearing in the Federal Senate, from the Feneis channel on Youtube, on one side a deaf teacher defends the proposal of bilingual education and on the other a hearing teacher who defends inclusive education. The results obtained demonstrate that bilingual education is considered by deaf people as the most appropriate for the development and acquisition of sign language. Furthermore, we can observe in the analyses how power relations crystallize and are intrinsically related to a certain knowledge as a device for controlling the bodies of deaf subjects, be it medical knowledge or educational knowledge, especially the inclusivist proposals that return to the idea of oralism and attempt to “normalize” the deaf in an attempt to correct the incorrigible. However, with the recognition of Libras as a language in 2002, deaf people assumed a place of empowerment and are now reconfiguring their subject positions in society.
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