NOR- bearing as a plesiomorphic characteristic in Mimus saturninus (Passeriformes Mimidae)


  • Rafael Kretschmer
  • Vanusa Lilian Camargo de Lima
  • Letiane Nascimento Ponte
  • Tiago Marafiga Degrandi
  • Lúcia do Canto Vinadé
  • Adriano Luis Schünemann
  • Analía Del Valle Garnero
  • Ricardo José Gunski
  • Rafael Kretschmer Universidade Federal do Pampa Campus São Gabriel
  • Vanusa Lilian Lima Universidade Federal do Pampa Campus São Gabriel
  • Tiago Marafiga Degrandi Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Lucia Vinadé Universidade Federal do Pampa Campus São Gabriel
  • Adriano Luis Schünemann Universidade Federal do Pampa Campus São Gabriel
  • Analía Del Valle Garnero Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - USP Departamento de genética
  • Ricardo José Gunski Universidade Federal do Pampa Campus São Gabriel


Palabras clave:

cariotipo, macro y microcromosomas, bandas cromosómicas


The order Passeriformes is the largest group of species karyotyped among birds, however little is known about the cytogenetic of the Mimidae family, registering only karyology basic data (giemsa staining). The aim of this study was to analyze the chromosomal complement from the species Mimus saturninus by conventional staining and differential chromosome banding. Diploid number and chromosome morphology were determined, as well as the distribution pattern of constitutive heterochromatin (CBG-banding), GTG-banding andAgNOR staining (NORs). The Chalk-browed Mockingbird has 2n=80. The first and fourth pairs are submetacentric and the second, third and fifth are acrocentric. The remaining chromosomes pairs of the complement have telocentric morphology. The Z chromosome is submetacentric and the W is metacentric. CBG-banding showed positive staining in the pericentromeric region of most macrochromosomes and microchromosomes and also at Z chromosome, differently from W chromosome which appeared totally heterochromatic. The GTG-banding was similar to Gallus gallus and in other species which have already been GTG-banded. The NORs were identified in a pair of microchromosomes characterized by presenting a remarkable secondary constriction. This can be considered as a plesiomorphic characteristic for M. saturninus once baseline groups (Paleognathae) also showed a pair of microchromosomes bearing NORs.



Cómo citar

Kretschmer, R., Camargo de Lima, V. L., Ponte, L. N., Degrandi, T. M., Vinadé, L. do C., Schünemann, A. L., … Gunski, R. J. (2014). NOR- bearing as a plesiomorphic characteristic in Mimus saturninus (Passeriformes Mimidae). Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 5(2), 140–147.



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