Post-harvest analysis of guavas coated with cassava starch and cinnamon essential oil




Psidium guajava, film biopolymers, chemical composition, storage


Guava is a perishable fruit susceptible to a large amount of post-harvest losses. Biodegradable coatings have been studied as an alternative to reduce these losses. This study aimed to evaluate the chemical composition of guavas ‘Pedro Sato’ coated with cassava starch with or without the essential oil of cinnamon, submitted to three treatments: control, starch and starch 2% + 2% essential oil of cinnamon 0.01% and stored at 25 ° C and 76 ± 5% RH for 8 days. The experimental design in a factorial 3x5 (3 treatments x 5 times analyzes, 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8) with 3 replicates of 3 fruits, were studied:  weight loss, pH, soluble solids, titratable acidity, sugars total and reducing sugars and ascorbic acid. The weight loss, pH and soluble solids content increased, while the acidity decreased in all treatments. Treatments starch and starch 2% + 2 cinnamon essential oil 0.01% on the eighth day had lower levels of total sugars than control. Reducing sugars increased in all treatments during the days of storage, while ascorbic acid decreased, but to a lesser extent in treatments starch 2% and starch + essential oil of cinnamon 0.01%. The starch 2% + essential oil of cinnamon 0.01% represents good alternative for post-harvest guava conservation, maintaining the chemical characteristics of the fruit without undesirable changes.


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Análise pós-colheita de goiabas revestidas com fécula de mandioca e óleo essencial de canela



How to Cite

Martins, L. N. S. B., Silva, A. de F. ., Braga, M. A. ., & Abreu, C. M. P. de . (2021). Post-harvest analysis of guavas coated with cassava starch and cinnamon essential oil. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 9(3), 261–268.

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