The socioenvironmental conditions of flooding in the Anhaia canal hydrographic unit - Paranaguá - Brazil




Floods, Hydrographic unit, environment


This article deals with the analysis of the urban drainage system and the flooding of the Anhaia Canal, located in the area of immediate influence of the Port D. Pedro II in the municipality of Paranaguá, Paraná Coast. The study is based on the georeferenced map MI - 2858/2-NE FOLHA SG.22-X-D-V/2-NE of the Ministry of the Army-Department of Engineering and Construction, Directorate of Geographic Services Southern Region of Brazil in Scale 1-25,000 that allows identifying the limits of space. The daily precipitation events (mm³) concentrated or with moderate distribution of the city were surveyed near the Paranaguá Meteorological Station, linked to the 8th Meteorological District of Porto Alegre. The analysis period included the monthly average precipitation between 2010 and 2019. For the identification of floodable or floodable areas it was used the compilation of information from two sources: the company Águas de Paranaguá and the City Hall of Paranaguá and additionally personal observations of the authors systematized during the fieldwork of this project and anecdotal other professional activities in the city of Paranaguá. The study allowed to notice that the tide level and the precipitations, are natural factors, that influence in the flow of waters of the Canal in the Bay of Paranaguá, however, it was perceived that the floodings, are of anthropic origin having in view, the alterations that occurred in the study area, such as, the impermeabilization of the soil, change in the geometry of the Canal, garbage and debris in the margins of the Canal, deficiency in the mouths of wolf and alteration in the local hydrological cycle. It is concluded that the floods that occur in the region can be avoided with preventive maintenance measures, cleaning of the drainage network, cleaning of the access roads, and mitigatory actions with the community through environmental education projects.


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How to Cite

Silva, L. E. da, Souza, F. X. da S. de ., Carmo, M. R. do, Cruz Junior, H. E. da ., Cunha, E. J. N. S., Cunha, M., … Quadros, J. (2020). The socioenvironmental conditions of flooding in the Anhaia canal hydrographic unit - Paranaguá - Brazil. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 8(2), 065–073.



Biodiversity and Environment