Preliminary results of the integrated fire management in Paresi indigenous lands




fire regime, vegetation damage, active fire, participative mana-gement


Integrated fire management considers local practices, ecological and scientific information, and institutional management to conserve biodiversity, reduce the prevalence of uncontrolled fire, and protect fire-sensitive vegetation. In indigenous lands, management is administered through Forest Brigades Program, which is supported by the Technical Cooperation Agreement between the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources and the National Indian Foundation. There are still few evaluations on the implementation of this paradigm in Indigenous Lands focusing on the fire regime and the damage caused in the plant species, considering the periods of the fire treatment. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the first results of the integrated fire management in the Juininha, Paresi and Utiariti, Indigenous Lands, all occupied by the indigenous Paresi people and is located in the state of Mato Grosso, by analyzing, in 2016 to 2018, the phytophysiognomies affected by burning, of vegetation damage caused by fire, and seasonal distribution of the active fire data from 2016 to 2018. The results showed that burns on indigenous lands were shifted to the early fire season and that most of the evaluated species did not have damage caused by the burns of both periods. When with some impact level, this was higher in the period of early fire. Therefore, it was concluded that although burns are shifted to the early fire period, the prescribed burn techniques do not cover the frequency and history of the surfaces hit to consider a mosaic approach beyond the reduction of major events in the modal-late fire season.


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How to Cite

Santa Rosa, A., Daldegan, R. A., Laranja, R. E. de P., & Franca, R. R. da. (2019). Preliminary results of the integrated fire management in Paresi indigenous lands. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 7(4), 469–480.



Biodiversity and Environment