Air dryng of the lumber to eucalipto




quality of wood, dry rate, dryind curve, defects, final moiture


The difficulty of obtaining dry wood quality is one major obstacle when it comes to drying of Eucalyptus wood, since the species of this genus have slow drying and high propensity to defect. In this sense, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of drying in the air, on the quality of Eucalyptus spp, in order to identify the optimal time of permanence of the wood in the drying yard. In the drying process was accompanied by the humidity loss and the drying rate, the defects were measured before and after each drying (warping, cracks and collapse) and tension levels and humidity gradient after drying. The results showed that pre-air drying took 65 days to reach 23% of final humidity, with an average drying rate of 1% / day with low defect rates and drying tensions moisture gradients were medium were 20.22% to 23.18% outer layer and inner layer, and the average gradient 3.17%.


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How to Cite

Zen, L. R., Monteiro, T. C., Schaeffer, W., Kaminski, J. M., & Klitzke, R. J. (2019). Air dryng of the lumber to eucalipto. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 7(2), 291–298.

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