Frutification and germination ecology of Citharexylum myrianthumCham(Verbenaceae)




zoocoric dispersion, germination, fruits predation


Citharexylum myrianthum Cham is a tree species that is abundant in riparian forests, widely used in the restoration of degraded areas, especially for areas with flood tendency. This study aimed to provide information on the mode of dispersal and germination of C. myrianthum. The process of fruition and seedling has been analyzed in a field trial in Botucatu/SP. The evaluations included aspects of the fruit maturation, fruit and pyrenes dispersal and predation and ecophysiology of germination. The fruits are dispersed mainly by birds and predation not affecting germination. This study allowed concluding that the species has good germination potential, especially under the light - characterizing himself as pioneered - and that its fruits have good viability in the soil and form seed bank for more than 12 months. These are important traits that make C. myrianthum useful in restoration of riparian forests.


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How to Cite

do Amaral, W. A. N., Antiqueira, L. M. R., Horbach, M. A., Amaral, W. N. do, Antiqueira, L. M. R., & Horbach, M. (2013). Frutification and germination ecology of Citharexylum myrianthumCham(Verbenaceae). Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 4(3), 207–215.