Genetic dissimilarity between soybean genotypes cultivated in lowland irrigated inter-cropping


  • Elonha Rodrigues Santos Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Adão Felipe dos Santos
  • Aristóteles Capone
  • Wembles Ribeiro Santos
  • Stefany Gregory Moura
  • Hélio Bandeira Barros
  • Elonha Rodrigues dos Santos Universidade de Brasília
  • Adão Felipe dos Santos Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Aristóteles Capone Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Wembles Ribeiro dos Santos Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Stefany Gregory Moura Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Hélio Bandeira Barros Universidade Federal do Tocantins



Glycine max, multivariate analysis, techniques groupings


This study aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity among 18 soybean genotypes through multivariate techniques based on 17 agronomic and physiological characteristics. The experiment was carried in Formoso do Araguaia, Tocantins, in the inter-cropping of 2010. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four plots. The Mahalanobis distance substantiate Tocher and UPGMA. The total chlorophyll, percentage of pods with two seeds, seed number per pod and chlorophyll a were the characteristics that contributed more to genetic diversity. The methods of groups formed four distinct groups and agreed among themselves, demonstrating the efficiency in detecting the similarity. Genotypes AH10-013 and AH10-006 were the most divergent and AH10-022 and AH10-023 the more similar. Are shown to generate populations in breeding programs inter population genotype AH10-013, AH10 and AH10-015-022 (Group I) with AH10-006 (Group IV) because they have higher productivity and be more divergent.


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How to Cite

Santos, E. R., dos Santos, A. F., Capone, A., Santos, W. R., Moura, S. G., Barros, H. B., … Barros, H. B. (2013). Genetic dissimilarity between soybean genotypes cultivated in lowland irrigated inter-cropping. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 4(3), 222–231.

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