Determination of carbohydrate content in Eucalyptus benthamii miniceps


  • Gilvano Ebling Brondani
  • Jonathan Max Emilian Hoffmann
  • Antonio Natal Gonçalves
  • Marcílio de Almeida
  • Gilvano Ebling Brondani Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz
  • Jonathan Max Emilian Hoffmann Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Antônio Natal Gonçalves Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz
  • Marcílio de Almeida Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz



Nutritie solution, fertigation, mini-cutting technique, glucose, fructose, sucrose


The aim of this study was to evaluate the foliar content of soluble carbohydrates non-structural of Eucalyptus benthamii mini-stumps regarding to Zn and B concentrations during successive shoot collections. Shoots were collected from mini-stumps fertigated with nutrient solutions containing different Zn and B concentrations (S1 – free of Zn and B, S2 – 0.5 mg L-1 Zn, S3 – 0.5 mg L-1 B, S4 – 0.5 mg L-1 Zn and B, S5 – 1.0 mg L-1 Zn and B, S6 – 2.0 mg L-1 Zn and B). Eight shoot collection of the clonal mini-garden were performed. The content total of soluble carbohydrates non-structural of leaves (sucrose, glucose and fructose) was determined in the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th shoot collections. The increasing of the Zn and B concentrations in the nutrient solution induced reduction of the total content of soluble carbohydrates non-structural of leaves, and the fructose was the most affected.



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How to Cite

Brondani, G. E., Hoffmann, J. M. E., Gonçalves, A. N., de Almeida, M., Brondani, G. E., Hoffmann, J. M. E., … de Almeida, M. (2012). Determination of carbohydrate content in Eucalyptus benthamii miniceps. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 3(1), 51–60.

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