Use of noni essential oil in the phytosanitary control of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in Mangifera indica plants




Morinda citrifolia L., alternative control, anthracnose, manga


The use of essential oils in agriculture as botanical insecticides has been used as an option in the control of diseases and pests, with the least possible impact on the ecosystem. Anthracnose is the main disease in mango culture, and can cause damage to fruit productivity and quality. The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential of noni essential oil (Morinda citrifolia L.) in the control of phytopathogens in plants of Mangifera indica. From the isolation of lesions of mango plants, the phytopathogenic fungus was obtained. The essential oil was removed from ripe noni fruits. In vitro bioassays were performed by testing different concentrations of essential oil. For the phytotoxicity test, five different concentrations of essential oil were used. The preventive control test was installed by applying by means of a manual spray. The curative test was also performed. The essential oil of noni showed an inhibitative effect on the growth of the fungus C. gloeosporioides in vitro. Phytotoxicity symptoms were observed in mango leaves at noni oil doses greater than 1.5%. The preventive application was more efficient than the curative for the control of anthracnose in mango plants.


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Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity



How to Cite

Rotili, E. A., Lopes, J. V., Mourão, D. de S. C., & Santos, G. R. dos. (2023). Use of noni essential oil in the phytosanitary control of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in Mangifera indica plants. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 11(3), 100–106.

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