Enzymatic diversity of fungi associated with Caatinga plants
semi-arid diversity , proteases, amylases, pectinasesAbstract
Filamentous fungi participate in food production, health products and recycling of biosphere com-pounds. In industry they are used in the production of enzymes, vitamins, polysaccharides, pigments, lipids and glycolipids, valuable in biotechnology. Brazil has a great biological diversity of landscapes and among them, the Caatinga, is widely explored regarding the plant's biotechnological potential, but there are few studies on the potential of microorganisms associated with this biome. This study aimed to evaluate the production of enzymes from fungi isolated in soil associated with plants from the semi-arid region. Soil samples were collected in the Grota do Angico region, municipality of Poço Redon-do, Sergipe, associated with two characteristic plants of the caatinga, Croton heliotropiifolius Kunth and Xiquexique gounellei. Thirty-nine fungi were isolated from soil samples and their proteolytic, amylolytic and pectinolytic activities were evaluated. The 17 fungi associated with C. heliotropiifolius present predominantly protease activity, only one of them showed pectinase activity, in the others the results were negative. On the other hand, the fungi 22 isolated from the soil associated with X. goiunellei showed greater enzymatic diversity, despite the fact that most fungi showed proteolytic activi-ty. Amylase activity was detected in eight fungi, protease activity in 12 fungi and pectinase activity in 6 fungi. From the results obtained in this study, the potential of fungi isolated from the caatinga biome for the production of enzymes, mainly proteolytic, was evidenced. Fungi isolated from soil associated with Caatinga plants have potential for the production of enzymes, mainly proteolytic ones.
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