Allelopathic potential of cover crops extracts on beet germination and initial growth




alelopathy, vetch, ryegrass, rye


Allelopathy is a biological phenomenon that can have practical application in the management of weeds in agricultural production systems; however, cultivated plants can also suffer the effects of allelopathic compounds. The objective of this research was to verify the allelopathic potential of cover crops extracts on the germination and growth of beet seedlings. The research was carried out in a completely randomized design in a 2x4 factorial scheme (development stage x extract concentrations). The cover crops used were: vetch, ryegrass and rye. For both cover species, plants were collected and extracts prepared with plants in vegetative and reproductive stages. The variables analyzed were: germination speed index, germination, shoot and root length and shoot and root dry mass of seedlings. Data were submitted to analysis of variance, comparison of means by Tukey's test (p<0.05) for the cover plant stage factor and regression analysis for the extract concentration factor. Rye, ryegrass and vetch extracts interfere with the germination and growth of beet seedlings. The effects vary depending on the concentration and stage of development of the plant used to prepare the extract. Overall, few inhibitory effects were observed.


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Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity (CeMAF / UFT)



How to Cite

Bedin, F., & Neumann Silva, V. (2022). Allelopathic potential of cover crops extracts on beet germination and initial growth. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 10(4), 310–319.