Land use change in the Peruvian Amazon through artificial intelligence algorithms




support vector machine, Boosting, Ucayali, Sentinel, PeruSat1


The research aims to analyze the best supervised satellite image classification model to determine the change in land use between the Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Boosting algorithms for the Peruvian Amazon. Nueva Requena district and different areas of the Amazon basin are currently facing an alarming change in forest cover and land use change, generating important changes in environmental processes. Sentinel-2A satellite images were used, with wavelengths in the visible spectral range and two robust algorithms: Support Vector Machine (SVM) and the Boosting algorithm or decision trees. Twenty-five supervised classifications were made with said algorithms and different inputs from satellite images. The best model of land use change resulted from the classification of the year 2016 with the Boosting algorithm and for the year 2018 it was made with the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm, then through the map algebra the change of use of the Earth. This model presented the lowest classification error of 22.7%, the validation was performed with high-resolution PERUSAT-1 images for the year 2018 and Google Earth images for the year 2016, providing a Kappa index of 0.606 and the percentage correctly classified (PCC) 86.10% for the year 2016 and the Kappa index of 0.560 and the correctly classified percentage (PCC) of 82.30% for the year 2018 demonstrating the considerable and moderate concordance strength respectively.


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Cambio de uso de la tierra en la amazonía peruana mediante algoritmos de inteligencia artificial



How to Cite

Llanos, E. R. de C., Burga, Z. A. C. ., Rosot, N. C. ., Corte, A. P. D. ., & Araki, H. . (2021). Land use change in the Peruvian Amazon through artificial intelligence algorithms. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 9(1), 073–084.

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