FOTOGRAFIA E PÓS-FOTOGRAFIA: do controle ao descontrole
Controle, virtual, inconscienteAbstract
Among the originary functions of photography there is the documental function. The photograph testifies to the truth. Barthes, in 1980, came to find the essence of photography in the “that-has-been”. A photograph would necessarily manifest the truth of a past reality. This explains why the popular saying – a picture is worth a thousand words! – until recently seemed incontestable (today we suspect more of a photo than 30 years ago). Documental photography, medical, identity photography, identification, control, in such a way that that popular saying is inscribed in a series that leads us to another sentence of our daily, in a more recent formulation: smile, you are being filmed! To this truth-function of photography, linked to control, I would like to oppose another: a post-function, a post-truth function, in the sense of a meta-truth, one beyond the photographic truth. – This is not true! That's not what I saw! It can not be! – these exclamations can express two different things: either the denial of truth, or the outcropping in the photograph of an imagetic virtual, of a visual unconscious. What interests me here is the second alternative: that in a photographic image something erupts that has not been consciously photographed.
KEYWORDS: Control; virtual; unconcious.
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