THE METHODOLOGICAL WAYS OF PARTICIPATING MIXED RESEARCH: Applied to the Brazilian recycling production network

Aplicados a rede de produção da reciclagem brasileira




Scientific, Qualitative, Quantitative Methodology


The methodology is the analysis of the way in which the investigation of a research was carried out in order to achieve a given result or answer to a question. However, there are several and controversial aspects to be considered when talking about methods, since there will always be a strong influence of the object of study and the result that is intended to be achieved. Thus, this article seeks to present the methodological path for conducting research on the organization of recycling production networks in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The methodology to be analyzed, and which was used in the research on the reality of the Brazilian recycling production network, is the mixed participant, which is a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, in addition to having the direct participation of the researcher. Therefore, this work sought to exemplify the use of a participatory mixed research methodology to better understand the universe and the reality of the recycling production network in Brazil, more specifically, in Rio de Janeiro. It was concluded, therefore, that the use of a mixed participatory methodology can be essentially effective when dealing with social issues, since analyzing qualitatively questions and data quantitatively ends up making the results more complete, given the very subjective particularities of the research of nature Social.

Author Biography

Uilmer Rodrigues Xavier da Cruz, Univerdade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

I am Uilmer Rodrigues Xavier da Cruz, a geographer for 9 years, currently master's degree in the Master's Program of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), with an academic and professional trajectory marked by research and intervention in the social area. I was a graduate student in geography at the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais for 2 years, working in communities in the outskirts of Contagem, Minas Gerais, studying development in a cultural context and supported by technological methodologies aimed at inclusive education. In the following years, I was invited to practice in the company of Professors Dr. Pasteur Ottoni Miranda Junior and Dr. João Francisco de Abreu. The company was active in the segment of software engineering and localization technology, that is, embedded systems for the treatment of spatial information.

               When I graduated as a geographer, I worked in the areas of systems, geoprocessing and social throughout this period. In this post-graduation period, I was selected for the postgraduate degree in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at UFMG, where I was able to learn more about disciplines related to Cooperativism, Recycling, Waste Management, that is, a range of disciplines focused on the Environment. Subsequently, I received a professional proposal to work in the third sector, in the NGO PANGEA - Social and Environmental Studies Center in Salvador, with projects of social and economic inclusion of recyclable material pickers, coming from communities in the poorest region of Salvador, Subúrbio Ferroviário.

               I had the opportunity to work in the formation of CATABahia Network, this project organized cooperatives of collectors of recyclable materials in 10 (ten) municipalities of the State of Bahia, namely, Salvador, Feira de Santana, Vitória da Conquista, Jequié, Itapetinga, Entre Rios , Alagoinhas, Lauro de Freitas, Mata de São João and Itororó, giving complete infrastructure to said cooperatives. This infrastructure consists of sorting centers with all the necessary equipment for the processing of recyclable materials, such as conveyors, presses, balances, among others, as well as trucks and trolleys for collection. In addition, it provided a multidisciplinary team in each of the six municipalities, with the objective of providing technical assistance to the collectors of the cooperatives in the management aspects, involving the commercial, logistics, mobilization and communication with the community, as well as the presence of assistants social or psychologists to follow the construction of collective identity in this cooperative work. The Commercialization Network was built, which made it possible to sell recyclable materials on a scale, which made it possible for the cooperatives to sell directly to the recycling industry, breaking a historical net of exploitation of the collectors, by a group of Brazilian cities. The project was sponsored by Petrobras and served around 2000 families of scavengers.               Thus, engaging in the struggle for improvement of the working conditions of the collectors, through cooperativism, I worked hard in coordinating the team, concomitantly formulating maps of the spatial location of the donor partners of the cooperatives, developing technologies, administrative tools, where I conceived a system for collectors of recyclable materials to help cooperatives control their cash flow, materials, human resources, accounts payable and receivable, sales, software integrated into a vehicle tracking system, which I developed from previous professional experiences. This system was divulged at a national level, and I participated in several lectures, mini courses, environmental wheels, expocator, magazines of great circulation of the branch, such as: Abralatas, CEMPRE, MNCR and etc.               I moved to Rio de Janeiro in February 2013, working on the Closure of the Grape Waste Garden, Construction of the Recycler Pole in Jardim Gramacho, Collectors Project in Solidarity Networks, aimed at the organization of economic networks in six regions of the State of Rio de Janeiro, involving 41 municipalities, in partnership with the State Secretary for the Environment, Ministry of Labor and Employment, Banco do Brasil Foundation and Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic.


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How to Cite

CRUZ, Uilmer Rodrigues Xavier da. THE METHODOLOGICAL WAYS OF PARTICIPATING MIXED RESEARCH: Applied to the Brazilian recycling production network: Aplicados a rede de produção da reciclagem brasileira. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 17, p. 139–153, 2020. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v9n17p139-153. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 may. 2024.