



Urban Parks, Analytical Categories, Physical-Natural and Social Components, Teaching of Geography


This article emerges from the desire for a study that addresses Geography Education in Basic Education, taking into consideration the geographical potential of an urban park, with an analysis of these spaces through their form, function, structure, and process, which, when considered together, build a theoretical and methodological foundation from which it is possible to discuss spatial phenomena in their entirety, as stated by Santos (1985). The article aims to present reflections on urban parks as a territorial focus, as well as to argue about possibilities for teaching Geography in urban parks, considering these places to have great geographical potential for the teaching and learning process through the relationship between physical-natural and social components, starting from the experiences of the students, which can be explored (these parks) through languages, strategies, and techniques (such as photographs, videos, iconographic questionnaires), which can be employed throughout the educational process of the theoretical-methodological proposal, for instance, during fieldwork. Physical-natural components are considered to be all the elements that make up the geographical space, which originated and developed in nature without depending on social relations. The social components are conceived as those arising from the social interactions of human beings, which produce and act culturally, economically, and politically. 

Author Biographies

Wanessa Santos Silva, Goias Federal University

Geographer from the Federal University of Goiás. Effective professor at the Municipal Education Network in Senador Canedo-GO. I am currently an Accountability Technician at the Municipal Education Department of Senador Canedo-GO. Presenting teacher in the "Ser Goiás" project on the Sagres Educa system - TV Sagres. Student in the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Goiás, in the master's degree.

Adriana Olívia Alves, Federal University of Goiás

PhD in Geography with an emphasis on Teaching Geography and physical-natural components from Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP/Presidente Prudente. Master in Geography with an emphasis on Urban Environmental Planning in river basins - UNESP/Presidente Prudente. Graduated (undergraduate and bachelor's degree in Geography - UNESP/Presidente Prudente. Adjunct professor in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Geography at the Institute of Socio-Environmental Studies of the Federal University of Goiânia - IESA/UFG. Coordinator of the Center for Studies and Research in Teaching in Environment (GEA Center) registered with CNPq, at Lepeg/IESA/UFG.


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How to Cite

SILVA, Wanessa Santos; ALVES, Adriana Olívia. URBAN PARKS: FORM, FUNCTION, STRUCTURE, PROCESS, AND THEIR POTENTIAL FOR TEACHING GEOGRAPHY. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 29, p. 239–257, 2023. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v13i29.17084. Disponível em: https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/geografia/article/view/17084. Acesso em: 16 may. 2024.