


Canela Village, Riverside community, Deterritorialization


This article focuses on the residents of the old Canela village, who, before the construction of the reservoir for the Lajeado hydroelectric plant, in 2001, lived on the right bank of the Tocantins River, and who are currently resettled in the urban area of Palmas ( block 508 of the North Master Plan), try to rebuild a new daily life in harmony with the way of life of traditional communities and the preservation of identity characteristics of the riverside community, now surviving in an urban space without margins. The objective established here is to investigate the current situation of these residents after displacement and resettlement in the urban space of Palmas (Tocantins, Brazil). The research approach is qualitative, using the narratives of the subjects involved in the process and bibliographical analysis as research techniques. The results point to dissatisfaction with the new way of life, lack of confidence in tomorrow and, above all, point out how complex and striking are the impacts arising from large enterprises and the demands arising in the name of progress.

Author Biographies

Elizeu Ribeiro Lira, Federal University of Tocantins

PhD in Geography from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP. P.P.SP. (2004). Post Doctorate in Territorial Development from IPPUR/UFRJ. (2016) Master in Geography from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP. P. P. SP (1995). Specialist in Brazilian Education/Higher Education Methodology from the Federal University of Goiás UFG (1992) Graduated in Geography from the Centro Universitário de Brasília (1987). Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Geography at the Federal University of Tocantins Porto Nacional Campus. (2011 to 2014) Coordinator of the NURBA/UFT/CNPq Research Group (Center for Urban, Regional and Agrarian Studies). Director and member of the editorial board of the printed Revista Produção Acadômica (ISSN-1809-2756 and Revista Produção Acadômica II (online, 2448-2757); Magazine of the Agricultural Geography Laboratory of USP (ISSN -1808-1150); Campo Território (1809-6271); Geography native of Tocantins (2317-9430); Currently Associate Professor III in the Geography Course at the Federal University of Tocantins Porto Nacional Campus -TO, Permanent Professor of the Masters in Geography at UFT Porto Nacional campus -TO Popular musician and literary critic Has experience in the area of ​​human geography, with an emphasis on Agrarian, Urban, Regional and Territorial Geography, working mainly on the following themes: the agrarian issue, teaching geography, social movements in the countryside and in the city, territory and indigenous territories, city, production of urban space, and traditional communities

Pracidina Chaves Moura, Federal University of Tocantins

He has a degree in Pedagogy from Centro Universitário Luterano de Palmas (2009) and a degree in Geography (Full Degree) from FUNDAÇÃO UNIVERSIDADE DO TOCANTINS (1997). He is currently a level III teacher - MUNICIPAL SECRETARIAT OF EDUCATION OF PALMAS. He specializes in EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING HUMAN SCIENCES - HISTORY. Has applied experience in the area of ​​Geography, with an emphasis on Human Geography. She has experience in the field of education, in schools as a leading teacher, school secretary, school director, educational advisor and supervisor. As an educational advisor, she contributed to the growth of the IDEB index in the school where she worked, responsible for the preparation and implementation of the school pedagogical proposal , during the period she worked as an educational counselor. She currently works as a technician in the Evaluation, Statistics and Training Directorate. Specialized in Human Sciences. Specialization in neuropedagogy and psychoanalysis in education. Training in clinical psychoanalysis.


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How to Cite

LIRA, Elizeu Ribeiro; MOURA, Pracidina Chaves. FROM THE SHORES OF A RIVER TO A CITY WITHOUT "MARGINS": THE COMPULSORY MOVEMENT OF VILLAGE RESIDENTS TO THE URBAN SPACE OF PALMAS (TOCANTINS, BRAZIL). Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 29, p. 258–277, 2024. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v13i29.16470. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 may. 2024.