Reflections on the advent of cash-and-carry in the city of Campina Grande in Paraíba


  • Annahid Burnett State University of Paraíba
  • Leonardo Araújo e Mota State University of Paraíba
  • Ingrid Rodrigues Leite State University of Paraíba



Commercial dynamics, Globalized networks, Cash-and-carry, Agreste region of Paraíba.


The transformations in society with the advancement of technology directly reverberate in the economic, international, national and, above all, local scenario, since globalized networks allow the instant exchange of information, actions, prices and products. This article aims to reflect on the transformations in the dynamics of trade, from the introduction of globalized cash-and-carry sales networks in the city of Campina Grande in the Agreste region of Paraíba. As a methodology, we used a literature review on the specific subject, document analysis relevant to the area, the treatment of statistical data relevant to the research field, as well as the collection of information through semi-structured interviews with the social agents involved in these dynamics. We conclude that the introduction of globalized wholesale and retail networks not only redesigned the socioeconomic space of the region, but also transformed the customs of social agents in the region.

Author Biographies

Annahid Burnett, State University of Paraíba

Doctorate in Social Sciences; Master's Degree in Sociology; Degree in Sociology. Researcher and Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Regional Development – ​​PPGDR at the State University of Paraíba

Leonardo Araújo e Mota, State University of Paraíba

Doctorate in Sociology (UFC). Professor at the Department of Social Sciences and at the Postgraduate Program in Regional Development - PPGDR

Ingrid Rodrigues Leite, State University of Paraíba

Master in Regional Development (UEPB); Graduated in Geography (UFCG)


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How to Cite

BURNETT, Annahid; ARAÚJO E MOTA, Leonardo; LEITE, Ingrid Rodrigues. TRANSFORMATIONS IN AGRESTE TRADE DYNAMICS: Reflections on the advent of cash-and-carry in the city of Campina Grande in Paraíba. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 21, p. 193–212, 2021. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v10n21p193-212. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 may. 2024.