
  • Natalia Barbosa Mateus State University of Goiás
  • Márcio José Pires de Morais State University of Goiás
  • Sebastião de Souza Oliveira Palmas Municipal Department of Education
  • Vandervilson Alves Carneiro State University of Goiás



Geodiversity, Serra Dourada, Teaching, Field activity


The geographicity of abiotic landscapes consists of a range of hydrological, speleological, paleontological, geological and geomorphological environments. Such are the natures of each element, taken as a whole they give rise to varieties of landscapes. By the nature of such elements, from a macro point of view, it is understood the location, the climate, the hardness of the minerals, fossils, types of relief that materialize in events such as faults, folds, waterfalls, river channels, caves, viewpoints, outcrops and others. This work fulfills the responsibility of an academic research, in the referred theme, without losing sight of the potential use of these experiences with other educational institutions and societies as a whole. This initiative, however, blames the authors and the Master's Course in Geography at the State University of Goiás (UEG), Campus Cora Coralina (City of Goiás / GO) held in the Serra Dourada State Park (GO) on 06/16/2019 . Given that through photographs, narratives and description of the natural components, the objectives can be concluded. It was noticed that the visited points have the necessary potential to help and to support explanations related to the teaching of Geosciences, Geography with emphasis on Geodiversity in the Cerrado environment.

Author Biographies

Natalia Barbosa Mateus, State University of Goiás

Master's student in Geography at UEG - State University of Goiás, Campus Cora Coralina, Cidade de Goiás (GO).

Márcio José Pires de Morais, State University of Goiás

Mestrando em Geografia da UEG - Universidade Estadual de Goiás, Campus Cora Coralina, Cidade de Goiás (GO)

Sebastião de Souza Oliveira, Palmas Municipal Department of Education

Degree in Geography from UFG/Goiânia; Master in Geography from UFG/Goiânia; PhD in Geography from UNESP/President Prudente. Professor of Geography at the Municipal Network of Palmas-TO, since 2004. Substitute Professor of Geography at UFT (2004-2006) and (2009-2010).

Vandervilson Alves Carneiro, State University of Goiás

Effective professor of the undergraduate courses in LICENSE CHEMISTRY and INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY, of the specialization courses in ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES and URBAN SUSTAINABILITY and ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, of the Central Campus / Exact and Technological Sciences (Anápolis / GO) and of the Graduate Program in GEOGRAPHY , from Campus Cora Coralina (City of Goiás / GO), both from the State University of Goiás (UEG). Graduated in Geography from UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (President Prudente / SP), Specialist in Higher Education Methodology from the State University of Goiás (UEG), Central Campus / Socioeconomic and Human Sciences (Anápolis / GO), Master and Doctor in Geography from UFG - Federal University of Goiás, Campus Samambaia (Goiânia / GO). Member of the CNPq Research Group - SAMA - Soil, Water and Environment. Editor-in-chief of Revista Mirante (ISSN 1981-4089). Post-doctorate completed at the Faculty of Pharmacy (Postgraduate Program in Pharmaceutical Innovation - PPGIF), UFG - Federal University of Goiás, Campus Colemar Natal e Silva (Goiânia / GO). He has experience in the areas of Physical Geography, Geodiversity and Geosciences.


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How to Cite

MATEUS, Natalia Barbosa; MORAIS, Márcio José Pires de; OLIVEIRA, Sebastião de Souza; CARNEIRO, Vandervilson Alves. FIELDWORK REPORTS IN THE SERRA DOURADA STATE PARK (GOIÁS): GEOGRAPHICITY AND GEOGRAPHY TEACHING: GEOGRAPHICITY AND TEACHING GEOGRAPHY. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 23, p. 79–92, 2022. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v11n23p79-92. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 may. 2024.