An ethnographic approach of a protestant cult in Pirapora-MG, Brazil


  • Simone Aparecida Gomes State University of Montes Claros- Unimontes
  • Ricardo Henrique Palhares State University of Montes Claros-Unimontes



Habits, Doctrine, Behavior patterns, Church


The Assembly of God Church has always been characterized by its rigid behavior patterns, but as time goes by it gradually changes its conducts, because the new assembly pastors have been sustaining more as a matter of behavior than of doctrine, since it does not interfere with the Christian faith. The present study aims to carry out an ethnographic analysis of a cult of the Assembly of God church, in the municipality of Pirapora-MG and to understand the doctrine of cultural practices and trends, in addition to a description of the practices and customs assimilated and professed by pastors and their faithful. In order to obtain the objectives, specific literature surveys were carried out on the characteristics, origin and historical development of the Assembly of God in Brazil, in addition to a visit to the church for the perception and records of a cult. The methodological procedures adopted were based on ethnography, which is the proper method of anthropology. It is perceived throughout the work that the doctrine of uses and customs is one of the main differentials of the identity of the members of the Assembly of God and that future studies and reflections can corroborate the reality of this community.

Author Biographies

Simone Aparecida Gomes, State University of Montes Claros- Unimontes

Undergraduate in Geography (Degree) at the State University of Montes Claros - Campus Pirapora. Scholarship holder in the Institutional Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program - BIC-CAMPI, at the State University of Montes Claros / UNIMONTES.

Ricardo Henrique Palhares, State University of Montes Claros-Unimontes

Licensed Bachelor, Master and Doctor in Geography from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC-Minas). Professor at the Department of Geosciences and the Graduate Program in Geography at the State University of Montes Claros - PPGEO / UNIMONTES.


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How to Cite

GOMES, Simone Aparecida; PALHARES, Ricardo Henrique. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH : An ethnographic approach of a protestant cult in Pirapora-MG, Brazil. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 20, p. 238–268, 2021. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v10n20p238-268. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 may. 2024.