
  • Ana Paula Frazão Federal University of Goiás
  • Roberta Marques Federal University of Goiás



Teaching, natural resources, citizen education, guidance on school content.


Water is an important natural element for thinking and doing Geography at school, this idea coupled with the need for training in teacher training in physical-geographic themes is the incentive and proposal of this article. The main objective of the research is to contribute to the Geography teacher training course in the perspective that future teachers have a training that enables them to work with such content in Basic Education. The specific objectives are: 1). Identify water themes in the geography curriculum of the State of Goiás; two). Analyze the themes on water in the curriculum of the State of Goiás and how this theme can be developed by the teacher and 3). Inferring about the importance of the water theme in the curriculum of the State of Goiás. To achieve the specific objectives, the methodology of documentary analysis is necessary, in this way the analysis of the geography teaching curriculum for the State of Goiás was carried out. The research is a result partial completion of the course completion work and has the year 2018 as its time frame. In this sense, the article aims to elucidate the need to expand the geographic look in the institutions that train teachers in Geography, using the documents that govern basic education on the scale of the State of Goiás and the lack of systematizing the theme of water in a geographic way, in the face of emerging political and social contexts in society. 

Author Biographies

Ana Paula Frazão, Federal University of Goiás

CAPES Doctoral Scholar (2021), in the Graduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Goiás (PPGEO-IESA). Master in Geography with an area of concentration in Geoprocessing and image analysis by the Graduate Program and Research in Geography (CCHLA-UFRN). Degree in Geography from the Institute of Social and Environmental Studies at the Federal University of Goiás (IESA-UFG).

Roberta Marques, Federal University of Goiás

CAPES Master Scholarship (2021), in the Graduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Goiás (PPGEO-IESA) with an area of concentration in Planning and Territorial Planning. Degree in Geography from the Institute of Social and Environmental Studies at the Federal University of Goiás (IESA-UFG).


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How to Cite

FRAZÃO, Ana Paula; MARQUES, Roberta. THE WATER THEME IN PHYSICAL-NATURAL THEMES IN THE GEOGRAPHY CURRICULUM OF THE STATE OF GOIÁS. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 21, p. 12–32, 2021. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v10n21p12-32. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 may. 2024.