Notes for an anthropological definition about the relationship between work and masculinities
The question that guides this writing is how the work force is produced and reproduced in the capitalist mode of production. This question links us directly to the forms that capital deploys to adapt the work force to its valorization, accumulation and reproduction objetives. To this respect, in this essay, we are interested in studying how the capital is endowed with value and specifically how this process links articulations of meanings between the construction of masculinity and work.Within the framework of this proposal, we are interested in emphasizing the importance of case studies, approaches that allow us to analyze the power relations that are manifested in social and cultural processes, as well as to think about the subjects of flesh and blood.Otherwise, we consider many studies related to masculinities research. In the end, we bring to the analysis two case studies investigated by us: oil workers and workers in the software industry.
Keywords: Work, Masculinities, Oil workers, Software.
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