This article presents a study within the field of social evaluation of language, that is, within the scope of linguistic beliefs and attitudes expressed by the individual towards their own language or linguistic variety, as well as that of their interlocutor. The main objective was to analyze the positive or negative linguistic attitudes expressed by Oiapoquenses informants towards the variable phenomenon of rhotacism. To this end, theoretical and methodological support was sought in the principles of Labovian Sociolinguistics, as well as in studies that deal with linguistic attitudes, mainly those coming from Lambert and Lambert (1968), among others. The main instrument for data collection was a questionnaire composed of 10 closed questions, which covered the three components of attitudes, namely: cognitive, conative and affective. 08 participated in the research “judge” informants in total socially stratified in the corpus sample as follows: in the gender variable, 04 men and 04 women; age groups, first between 18 and 30 years old, second, over 50 years old; education, secondary education and higher education. The result of the subjective evaluations revealed that the native speakers of the Amapá locality targeted by the research expressed negative attitudes when they were placed in the position of “judge” in the face of the phenomenon. Furthermore, the data also revealed the linguistic and sociolinguistic awareness, stereotypes and linguistic preferences expressed by the subjects participating in the aforementioned study.
Key-words: variation; linguistic beliefs and attitudes; rhotacism.
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