Genetic Variability of Guzerat and Senepol Bovine Breeds by Microsatellite Markers
DOI: clave:
Cattle, STRs, diversity, livestock conservationResumen
Bovine production plays economic importance in Brazil and Guzerat and Senepol breeds are producer of meat. It was aimed to analyze the genetic variability of Guzerat and Senepol breeds by microsatellite markers. The breeds were collected and genotyped for ten microsatellite loci by automatic sequencer and statistically analysed. A total of 53 alleles were observed being the average number was 5.3 in both breeds. The effective numbers of alleles were 3.36 for Guzerat and 3.11 for Senepol cattle. The Shannon indexes were 1.36 for Guzerat and 1.26 for Senepol cattle. The expected heterozigosity were 0.71 and PIC values were 0.64 in both breeds. The FIS were 0.01 and 0.11 for Guzerat and Senepol breeds, respectively and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were P>0.05 for Guzerat and P<0.05 for Senepol cattle. The combined discrimination powers were 0.99 in both breeds and combined exclusion powers (PE1) were 0.99 in both breeds and combined exclusion powers (PE2) were 0.96 and 0.95 for Guzerat and Senepol breeds espectively. There is genetic variability in both breed, but there are evidences of inbreeding enabling genetic drift and should be necessary to use major number of microsatellite loci to analyze with high efficiency the exclusion power (PE2).
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