Seleção de cepas de Bacillus thuringensis Berliner para o controle de Aedes aegypti Linnaeus


  • André Luiz de Almeida Melo Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • André Luís Lopes da Silva
  • Magda Clara Vieira da Costa-Ribeiro
  • Mitiyo Fukuda Miyaoka
  • Vanete Thomas Soccol
  • Carlos Ricardo Soccol
  • André Luiz de Almeida Melo Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • André Luís Lopes da Silva Federal University of Parana
  • Magda Clara Vieira da Costa Ribeiro Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Mitiyo Fukuda Miyaoka Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Vanete Thomas Soccol Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Carlos Ricardo Soccol Universidade Federal do Paraná


Palabras clave:

vector control, bioassay, endotoxin, SDS-PAGE


The present study aimed to select strains of Bacillus thuringiensis with insecticidal activity against Aedes aegypti. It was tested sixteen strains of bacteria, isolated from Paraná state, Brazil, that were used in laboratory assays with mosquito larvae. Tests were carried out in two stages, first one to select the most efficient strains (screening) and second to estimate LC50. The protein profile of the highest toxicity of strain was obtained by SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). The best performance of larval mortality was produced by BR-01 strain, which 96.7% mortality rate, significantly higher than others. In the second part, there was obtained a LC50 of 9.07 µL.L-1 fermented extract. The protein profile revealed many peptides between 15 and 140kDa, similar to that reported in Bacillus thuringiensis ser. israelensis strains which high toxicity to mosquito species.


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Cómo citar

Melo, A. L. de A., da Silva, A. L. L., da Costa-Ribeiro, M. C. V., Miyaoka, M. F., Soccol, V. T., Soccol, C. R., … Soccol, C. R. (2013). Seleção de cepas de Bacillus thuringensis Berliner para o controle de Aedes aegypti Linnaeus. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 4(1), 78–83.

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