Mature seed testa microsculpturing of Ruellia elegans Poir. (Acanthaceae)




espessamento helicoidal, Ruelliaea, tricomas


Ruellia L. is the second largest genus of the Acanthaceae family and, like most of its representatives, has explosive loculicidal capsular fruits. In Acanthaceae, the morphology study, mainly of the microsculpture of seeds, aim to be important for taxonomic understanding and ecological relationships. R. elegans Poir. is an Atlantic Forest endemic species and used as ornamental. The present work aims to describe the morphology and seed testa microsculpture of R. elegans Poir. providing subsidies for the group's taxonomy and for ecological studies to understand seed dispersal patterns as well. The seeds were analyzed under scanning electron microscopy, and the description of the shape and indument was presented. The description and analysis of the mature seed testa microsculpture of the species corroborates its current taxonomic position due to the presence of mucilaginous trichomes throughout the surface and this characteristic indicates the ectozoochoric dispersion syndrome.


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How to Cite

Indriunas, A., & Aoyama, E. M. . (2020). Mature seed testa microsculpturing of Ruellia elegans Poir. (Acanthaceae). Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 8(4), 349–352.