Morphometry and seed beneficiation of Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) Blake var. parahyba




guapuruvú, seed classification, sieve retention


The objective of this work was to evaluate morphometry and seed beneficiation of Schizolobium parahyba. Were used seeds from the three tree matrices located in a ciliary domain area in the municipality of Medianeira – PR. Casually separated four repetitions from 100 seeds. Circular sieve sieves were used, with perfurations of 14 mm to 18 mm, and oblong sieves, with perfurations of 4 x 22 mm to 5 x 22 mm. The test took place so that the seeds were arranged on the sieves in descending order and subjected to manual agitation. After obtaining morphometric data, descriptive statistical procedures have been applied and histograms were built of frequency distribution and class histograms according to the type and size of the sieve. The proportions were tested with Qui-square test at the level of 5% of error probability in the proportion of observed and expected seeds within the class intervals. The average morphometric and mass parameters, as well as the uniformity of the retained seeds as a function of drill and sieve type, were submitted to variance analysis and when differences of differences were compared by Dunnett test at 5% of error probability. The results obtained indicated the circular sieves as the best for processing of guapuruvú seeds with the fact that the best basis for separation was width.


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How to Cite

Hanzen , F. A., & Dranski, J. A. L. . (2020). Morphometry and seed beneficiation of Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) Blake var. parahyba. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 8(4), 266–274.