Stimulation of H+-ATPase activity by Enterobacter sp. in Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess (guanandi) seedlings




inoculants, agroforestry, guanandi, vegetable biostimulant


Plant biostimulants using microorganisms tend to increase nutritional efficiency, abiotic stress tolerance and are indicated as commercial inputs for production in agroforestry systems. Many forest species are nutritionally demanding and soils may not have sufficient nutrients to meet various plant metabolic demands. Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess (guanandi) is a tree species occurring in the Cerrado of interest for the development of forest systems. The production of seedlings of this species depends on the use of inputs such as microbial inoculated (IM). IM using bacteria of the genus Enterobacter have been studied as potential agents of plant development, as they are of the low cost of production, but are still little explored for tree seedlings production. The objective of this work was to verify if the use of isolated bacteria alters the development profile of guanandi seedlings during the nursery phase, as well as if there is stimulation of the production of H+-ATPases enzymes. For this, bacteria of the genus Enterobacter were previously isolated, and the seedlings underwent two applications of 50 mL of IM during 150 days of development in a forest nursery. After this period, these seedlings were submitted to enzymatic action evaluation by H+ proton extrusion through the acidification of the medium, and the biometric variables were measured. The results showed that the acidity provided by exposure of guanandi seedlings to the IM was 2.92% higher than the control and there was no difference for the biometric variables evaluated, but the IM treatment presented better yield for all variables, being the number of lateral roots, main root length, dry mass of the area and roots 16.35, 12.2, 7.35 and 11.12% greater than the control, respectively. Therefore, the existence of synergy between beneficial guanandi-associated bacteria can be exploited as microbial inoculants in agriculture.


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How to Cite

Rogério de Souza, B., Peixoto, J. de S. G., Marinho, S. de A. S., Braga, S. C., & Antero, R. V. P. (2019). Stimulation of H+-ATPase activity by Enterobacter sp. in Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess (guanandi) seedlings. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 7(3), 347–355.