Response of cowpea to inoculation with nitrogen-fixing strains in Gurupi-Tocantins state


  • Rita de Cassia Cunha Saboya Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Paulo Rogério Siriano Borges
  • Luciano Marcelo Fallé Saboya
  • Fábio Pinto dos Reis Monteiro
  • Shara Emanuelle Alves de Souza
  • Adão Felipe dos Santos
  • Elonha Rodrigues dos Santos
  • Rita de Cassia Cunha Saboya Embrapa
  • Paulo Rogério Siriano Borges Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • Luciano Marcelo Fallé Saboya Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
  • Fábio Pinto dos Reis Monteiro Instituto Natureza do Tocantins - NATURATINS
  • Shara Emanuelle Alves de Souza Empresa de Exploração Agricola e Pecuária Ltda - EMPAGRI
  • Adão Felipe dos Santos Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Elonha Rodrigues dos Santos Universidade de Brasilia



Vigna unguiculata, BR3301, BR3302, BR3262, BR3267, BR3299, Nodulation


This study evaluated the effect of inoculation with nitrogen-fixing strains in cv. Vinagre cowpea at conditions of the southern state of Tocantins. The experiment was conducted in 2007/2008 harvest. The experimental design was randomized blocks with seven treatments and four replications. We tested five inoculants of bacteria: BR3301, BR3302, BR3262, BR3267 and BR3299, two controls, one with NPK and a control without fertilization or inoculation. At 35 and 55 days after emergence were evaluated the following variables: number of nodules, nodule dry mass, dry mass of shoots and relative efficiency. At the end of the cycle was evaluated the number of pods per plant, weight of pods per plant and grain yield. The data were subjected to analysis of variance by F test and meanswere grouped by Scott-Knott, both at 5% probability. The association between the means was assessed by Pearson correlation. The BR3302 strain showed higher dry weight of nodules at 35 and 55 DAE, however the control without fertilization or inoculation and the one with NPK contributed to higher grain yield. The number of pods and weight of pods per plant were the variables that most influenced yield. It is necessary to further study on the selection of strains of nitrogen fixing bacteria to the ecological conditions of the southern state of Tocantins.


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How to Cite

Saboya, R. de C. C., Borges, P. R. S., Saboya, L. M. F., Monteiro, F. P. dos R., de Souza, S. E. A., dos Santos, A. F., … Santos, E. R. dos. (2013). Response of cowpea to inoculation with nitrogen-fixing strains in Gurupi-Tocantins state. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 4(1), 40–48.

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