Molecular characterization of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) herds in Santa Catarina, Brazil


  • Gustavo Emygdio Halfen Departamento de Engenharia de Bioprocessos e Biotecnologia; Universidade Federal do Paraná; 81531-970; Curitiba - PR.
  • Maycon Eduardo Nicoletti
  • Henrique B. Appel
  • Fernando Adami Tcacenco
  • Gustavo Emygdio Halfen Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Maycon Eduardo Nicoletti Epagri - Estação Experimental de Itajaí
  • Henrique Appel Programa de Piscicultura - Estação Experimental de Itajaí
  • Fernando Adami Tcacenco Epagri - Estação Experimental de Itajaí



Molecular caracterization, Oreochromis niloticus, genetic divergence, RAPD


With today's increasing demand for food production, aquaculture plays a promising role in contributing to food supply. Noteworthy is the cultivation of tilapia, whose world production exceeded two million tons, being the second largest group of fish produced by aquaculture, just behind the carp. The most cultivated species is Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758), mainly due to its high prolificity, fast growth and good consumer acceptance, traits sought with genetic improvement. The genetic improvement of farmed fish has been based on the progress made in the area of ​​molecular genetics. The set of methods developed in this science in the last decades has enabled, with its incorporation in aquaculture, considerable gains, particularly when applied to genetic improvement assisted by molecular markers. Genetic diversity in tilapia populations can be determined by molecular markers such as RAPD. The present work aimed to survey the genetic variability existing among the four Nile tilapia populations that form the Santa Catarina State Nile Tilapia Satellite Nucleus, part of UMGEP - Epagri / Itajaí Fish Genetic Improvement Unit, and to search for molecular markers to identify the different strains of the species, for application in marker - assisted genetic breeding. For this purpose, DNA extraction protocol optimization experiments were conducted (Bardakci and Skibinski, 1994), thus obtaining good quality DNA. Twenty individuals from each of the strains (Bouaké, Chitralada, GST and GIFT) were then selected, and eight RAPD primers were tested. Subsequently, the amplified fragments were analyzed by the NTSys and Popgen programs. In intrapopulation analysis, the GIFT strain was the most polymorphic in relation to the others, obtaining the largest number of polymorphic loci (37%) and the highest Shannon index (0.17). All primers presented unique bands and could be used as molecular markers in the differentiation of strains, except for the OPA-12 primer for the Chitralada population. The dendrogram obtained with the UPGMA group presented clear separation of the lines, grouping them according to the genetic indexes, where the lines GIFT and Chitralada had the highest genetic identity (0.88) and the lines GIFT and GST had the largest genetic distances (0 , 23).


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How to Cite

Halfen, G. E., Nicoletti, M. E., Appel, H. B., Tcacenco, F. A., Halfen, G. E., Nicoletti, M. E., … Tcacenco, F. A. (2012). Molecular characterization of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) herds in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 3(2), 21–29.