Formation of seedlings tauari (Couratari stellata A.C. Sm.) with seedlings from natural regeneration




germplasm rescue, forest seedlings, germplasm conservation, seedlings transplanting


The objective of this study to evaluate the technique for producing seedlings of tauari (Couratari stellata A.C. Sm.) in tubes, from seedlings rescued from natural regeneration. A total of 240 seedlings of C. stellata were collectedin a fragment of native forest, located in the municipality of Carlinda, Mato Grosso state (Brasil). The seedlings were pricked into tubes of 50 cm³, which were placed in different conditions for the growth of the seedlings, which constituted the treatments tested, as follows: T1 – tube in a seedling bed suspended at 1 m high; T2 – ¼ of the tube length inside the sand; T3 – ½ of the tube length inside the sand; T4 – ¾ of the length of the tube inside the sand. At 70 days after transplanting, the morphological parameters of the seedlings (number of leaves, height and stem diameter) and dry matter biomass (total, shoot and roots) were evaluated. The C. stellata seedlings rescued from natural regeneration adapted to the transplant to the tubes, which was confirmed by the high survival rates, presenting 96.7% in T1 and 100% in the other treatments. As the IQD value, T1 provided the formation of better quality seedlings. The seedling production techniques at T2, T3 and T4 proved to be viable for growth in height, but it would still be necessary to manage the seedlings in the nursery in order to promote growth in diameter and formation of new roots.


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Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity



How to Cite

Rondon Neto, R. M. (2023). Formation of seedlings tauari (Couratari stellata A.C. Sm.) with seedlings from natural regeneration. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 11(3), 117–123.