Technological monitoring of licuri (Syagrus coronata) oil processing for food purposes




The licuri, native to the caatinga, has a sweetened pulp and edible almonds rich in oil that can be used technologically. Thus, the objective was to carry out the technological monitoring of the processing of licuri oil in order to visualize the current scenario and define future perspectives. The INPI and ESPACENET patent bases were used using the names “Syagrus coronata”, “licuri” and “ouricuri”, in addition to the keyword “oil” in English and Portuguese. Scientific productions were also searched using the same keywords of the patent survey, through the Google Scholar, Periódicos Capes and Scopus databases. Fifteen patents and 51 scientific productions were found regarding the use of licuri oil, with the first patent published in the 70s and just over half of the scientific productions published in the last 6 years. Being naturally Brazilian, the country and its inventors stood out in technological innovation regarding the use of licuri oil. This oil had multiple applications, especially in the production of cosmetics, animal feed, as well as in the development of biofuels, with the food industry as the least applied area. Only two patents were related to its use in the human diet, being for bakery products and food supplementation. In view of this, there are still several possibilities for technological innovation with the use of licuri oil, either with updates in the areas already studied or its application in other market niches, especially those of food and health, considering the importance of innovation in these areas.


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Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity



How to Cite

Dias Freires, J. (2023). Technological monitoring of licuri (Syagrus coronata) oil processing for food purposes. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 11(1), 10–17.