Estudantes de medicina e produção científica


  • Luis Arthur Brasil Gadelha Farias



Scientific production assumes great importance in humanity. In medicine, scientific-academic production has potential to directly reflect in population’s life and can be essential tool for health care. In Brazil, several factors are related with low students involvement in research. Tenório et al. (2010) points as main difficulties of scientific initiation: the l Part of academic tripod with learning and universitary extension (community action), research is fundamental to undergraduate. In several places, there has not been enough number of academics to choose a career in medical research.ack of institutional incentive; low interest in learning research methods by students and qualified teachers willing guide students.The question that arises is: What can be done to insert the undergraduate student in scientific world?




Como Citar

Farias, L. A. B. G. (2017). Estudantes de medicina e produção científica. Revista De Patologia Do Tocantins, 4(3), 2.

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