Discurso, Conceito jurídico de família, Relações de poder, ArqueologiaAbstract
Through an archaeological study, this article aims to investigate the formation of family’s concept, in legal discourses. To this end, it used Foucaultian discursive studies as its theoretical and methodological basis. We focus specifically on the categories of statement, discourse, discursive formation, will to truth, and governmentality, to analyze how the discursive object family is constructed in two discursive practices: that of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) ruling and that of Bill No. 5167/2009, which promote the legal concept of family from different perspectives. Methodologically, the approach adopted in research the characterized as qualitative and interpretative nature (Laville; Dionne, 1999). The result of the analyzes points to the construction of will truth through two antagonistic views that highlight how the relations of knowledge and power in a discursive dispute are decisive for the archaeological description of these discursive formations in what involves the formation of objects, concepts, enunciative modalities and strategies in the construction of discursive objects and the concepts of legal institutes, which govern the lives of subjects in society.
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