The context of Roraima is a suitable environment for sociolinguistic research given the state's geographic and social conditions. Despite some studies already carried out in this context, the state still lacks precise research on its dialectological characteristics. It is with this aim that this work is presented, as an integral part of a dialectological research carried out by the Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas Sociolinguísticas de Roraima - NEPSol - NEPSol, to produce the linguistic map of the state. For this section, we present data on the diphthongization of vowels before /S/ in the Boa Vista. The data was obtained through the application of the phonetic-phonological questionnaire (QFF) with interviews/surveys recorded and then transcribed according to the model adopted by the Atlas Linguístico do Brasil – ALiB. Theoretical discussions are based on Aragão (2014) Rocha, Silva and Neves (2015), Lucchesi and Ribeiro (2009) Razky and Farias (2012), among others. The results indicate that, in principle, diphthongization, just as it is a feature of the speech of northeastern Brazilian states, is also typical of Boa Vista speech.
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