Variação lexical, Variação diatópica, CConceito de “Deu erradoAbstract
The present research is an investigative and comparative study on the lexical variations related to the concept of the term “did wrong” at the Feiras da Manaus Moderna and Zumbi dos Palmares, located in the city of Manaus, a municipality in the State of Amazonas. It has as general objective: To analyze the lexical variants found for the concept of the term “wrong God” in the areas chosen for the composition of this study. 16 informants were selected, including 8 men and 8 women, in the age group from 18 to 30 and 31 to 45 years old who work daily on the site, developing various activities, be it carriers, trade fairs, butchers, fishermen, merchants, etc. Through dialectical research, we apply the following questions: “When something goes wrong in any activity that is being performed, what do you usually say? When you realize that something is going wrong in the service that your friend is doing, what do you say?” We follow the guidelines of the Linguistic Atlas of Brazil (ALiB) where we developed a qualitative and quantitative research, in a diatopic perspective, focusing on dialectics and sociolinguistics. We use as a reference studies of Cardoso (2010), Labov (2008) and Azevedo (2013). The results were promising and showed that there are several lexical variants of the term “wrong God” and those that were found are predominant in one location, thus revealing the diatopic variation. In summary, it was possible to see the difference in the behavior of the lexical unit between the Feira da Manaus Moderna and the Faira do Zumbi dos Palmares, since we did not use for the composition of this research only the criteria of geographical location, but social criteria that consubstantiated the final results of the study, such as: Sex, age group and geographic location.
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