
  • Call for papers Anglo-Brazilian Studies n. 1 (2025)


    Call for papers

    Anglo-Brazilian Studies n. 1 (2025)

    The centuries-old relations between Brazil and England date back to the 16th century, when the first English voyages (1527) to the then Portuguese colony took place and the first translations of Portuguese sources about Brazil were published in England. The Revista de Estudos Anglo-Brasileiros / Journal of Anglo-Brazilian Studies (2025- ) is a semiannual digital interdisciplinary double-blind peer reviewed journal published by the Postgraduate Program in Literature at the Federal University of Tocantins (Porto Nacional Campus). The journal publishes original reviews and articles on Anglo-Brazilian relations in different periods from various areas of knowledge, namely: literary and cultural studies, history, philosophy, science, political sciences, sociology, anthropology, translation, linguistics and economy, among others. The main focus of the magazine is Anglo-Brazilian relations, namely the representations of Anglophone regions and countries in Brazilian literature and culture, the representations of Brazil in the literatures and cultures of English-speaking literatures and cultures, as well as the different types of exchange(s) between Brazil and English-speaking countries and regions since the 16th century.

    Articles, written in English or Portuguese, following the rules of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), should be submitted, by May 30, 2025, through the journal's website (, accompanied by its summary (in English and Portuguese, 250 words), five keywords and a bionote (up to 100 words, in Portuguese and English). The journal will be published in November 2025.


    The editors

    Carlos Ludwig (Universidade Federal do Tocantins)

    Rogério Miguel Puga (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)


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